

The nearest secondary school is miles away from our orphanage. Most children from the surrounding villages who are fortunate to attend that school has to find a place to stay in that town. With the result that most of the girls are sexually abused by the people who provide housing for them. When we had only 2 kids in high school we paid for their daily transport. But in 2016 we had a number of children who had to go to high school. We then employed teachers and started our own high school.

Due to the poor quality of education, we have also started with additional home school classes for our primary students.

The quality of education at the local primary school in Zambia is very poor. In January 2017 we employed two teachers, teaching children from kindergarten to grade 2 at our orphanage. Most of the 60 children at this school is from the village and it gives us an opportunity to reach out to them with the Gospel.

Thanks to our partners, Stichting Raise, there is a primary school with 120 students on Grace Farm, mostly our farm worker’s children. We are in the process of extending the school buildings to accommodate 240 children.

Children Ministries in Schools

Our team goes to schools spreading the gospel in interesting interactive ways for the children.  We have distributed 3500 Bibles to children and we hand out sanitary pads for the children.

school ministries

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