Fadhili Dada Kenya Women Rescue Center

Prostitution is a world wide concern, especially during the pandemic we all experienced. But what happens to the children born out of prostitution? They usually end up growing up in poverty without any hope. Crossroads Fellowship Kisumu Church opened up a rescue center for these children and their mothers who happens to be mostly teenage girls.

Our Mission and Goals

Our goal is to save children going through abuse and neglect and preventing teenage mothers from spiralling into prostitution. To give them food and shelter and education for  the children, with a hope to give them a safe haven where they will feel loved, taken care of and showing them the love of Christ.

They have a facility that can accomodate 60 children. At this moment they are using church volunteers to help out at the center. They would like to employ a cook and a guard as soon as they get enough funds raised. (more or less $120 needed a month)

When they do enrollment they will enroll mother and child. The mother will be expected to work as a volunteer at the day care at least once a week and to join morning devotion,  a coarse of 12 steps to recovery and a responsible motherhood class. At the day care there will be a clinical counselor to council the mothers during the day.

They can not do this wonderful project alone, currently they are seeking help from the local maternal center. They agreed to help with suport at the night care facility for the most abused women. They will provide check ups and assesments for both the mother and child for free.

At this moment hands on Africa are helping to give funds that goes towards food for the mothers and their children. If you want to get involved in any way please email andre@handsonafrica.com

Our hearts are broken for these children, brought into this world under terrible circumstances, and we would love to help in any way we possibly can. One of the founders of this center was a seminary student of ours, now  a Pastor and a respectuable leader in his community.
