Apply to Seminary

Hands on Africa Seminary is an authorized External Learning Centre of the Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. The Learning Centre is under the direct supervision of the Board of Directors of the Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary.

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Degree Programs:
Associate Degree in Theology
Bachelors Degree in Theology
Master’s Degree in Theology

The Degree is accredited by the Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary in Florida, USA. who is accredit d with the Accrediting Commission International (ACI) and is verified by all Florida Council of Private Colleges (FCPC) standards.

Based on our core values, the curriculum of our non-denominational Seminary includes:
Study of Scripture
Exegetical theology and covenantal hermeneutics
Systematic theology grounded in biblical theology
Presuppositional apologetics
Christ-centered preaching and teaching
Biblical counseling and Conflict Resolution
Spiritual formation for ministry in the church
Evangelism and Church Planting.
Our seminary offers education through external studies, but require students to attend classes for 8 days twice a year to write exams and for edification.

If you live in Africa and want to apply to study with Hands on Africa please complete the below form.

For any further information please contact

Email Address: *
Campus to Study*
ID/Passport Number:*
Nationality: *
Marital Status:*
Local Church:
Denomination Affiliation:*
What is your involvement and/or position in your local church:
Highest Academic Achievement: *
Name of above school:*
MSCE Score:*
Qualification enrolling for: *

Uploaded files can be in jpeg, png, pdf or Word format and must not exceed 8000kb (8mb). 

If you cannot upload the files you can send it to

Upload Copy of your Identity card/book or passport
Upload High School certificate and highest academic achievement transcript:
Letter of reference from your Church leaders or spiritual leaders:
Why do you want to study Theology:
Word Verification: