Zambia and Mexico February 2020

Read about our latest outreach in Zambia and Mexico

Box of Hope
The children received backpacks, stationery, clothing, shoes, clothes storage units and watches. Late that evening we could hear how they were putting nails in the walls to hang their storage units. We cannot thank sponsors enough for making their world a better place!

Zambia Box of Hope  Zambia Box of Hope1 1 copy 

Every child

Meet our two new boys : Youngmas and Castrol.
They most probably experienced more in their eight years than most children would experience in a lifetime, lost their parents and lived with grandparents wo were unable to care for them. Yet, they are always smiling and wherever I went, they were there. Always ready to participate in a game, receive a piece of candy, or just be there. They were so excited to receive their toys, most probably the first cars they ever had. They are not related, but here at the orphanage, they found a family. Many times I have wished that I was able to cross all language barriers, to just have a glimpse into these children’s hearts, to really know their stories.

And then there’s Betty. Betty’s father left them when she was 6 years old, her mother passed when she was in Grade 10. She gets a distant teary eyed look when she tells me how she grieved the loss of her mother, how she prayed for money to finish high school. But her grandparents didn’t have the money, or saw the need (I guess). Then Betty’s prayers were answered and she ended up with us. God provided and she’ll be graduating from high school in June. Betty’s dream? “I want to be a nurse so that I can help many people who are suffering with diseases.” Together we are trusting God to provide for Betty so that she can live her dream. Then there’s Gideon. I asked him last year what he is going to do when he graduates from high school. His dream is to work for Jesus in full time ministry. God provided and he started his studies at the seminary this semester. When I asked one of the lecturers how Gideon was doing in class, he said :”He is like a sponge, drinking in every word.”

Yes indeed – every child has a story … and every child has a dream.


Zambia Graduation


 Our first graduation at the Zambia Theological Seminary with 6 Bachelors Degree graduates. In the year of 2012 we received an email from Austin Kachile with a desperate plea for study materials which he could use to train pastors. He also told us about his ministry feeding the orphans in his village one meal a week and how it was his desire to feed them at least twice a week. Seven years later he oversees our orphanage and graduated with his Bachelors Degree in Theology, he will continue with his Masters in order to become a lecturer at the Seminary.








Monterrey Mexico


Celebrating the 27th Anniversary of Iglesia Bautista Victoria with Pablo and Rosa Flores. Pablo has planted 11 churches in Monterrey and Zacatecas areas. It is remarkable how these people can turn any occasion into a time of worship and every possible opportunity is used to share the Gospel. The love of these people is touching and crosses all language barriers. At the women’s conference the women’s hugs and tears spoke louder than words. A visit to our brothers and sisters in Mexico is always such a blessing to us. Any financial support towards this church planting ministry in Mexico will be greatly appreciated – please earmark your donation for Mexico.

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