Friday, 18 December 2020 08:46

Donald Mskiska and his family

Age: 47 years, # of children: 11.
My name is Donald Msiska. I was born on 6 th June,1972 at Chauteka village in Karonga district in Malawi. I am the 5th born child in a family of 12 children. Six male and six female.

In 1979, my father together with his family left Chauteka village and moved to Kajalajata village as a farmer. This is how I am found in Kajalajata village.

My best childhood memories are when I was saved from drowning by older herds boys when we were playing in the nearby river.

When I got home, my father instead of sympathizing with me, he beat me up until when he made sure I have learnt my lesson not to play in the river again. From that moment, I stopped following older boys to the river. I was afraid of my father’s beatings.

I spent very few moments with my father and mother because most of my time I used to spend walking to and from School because it was very far from our village. But during the weekend, and other mornings I would be with my dad milking the cows. I cherished this time with my father.

My best friend when growing up was my father. Whenever I needed help of any kind, he provided for me and my siblings. He was our protector and provider.

My saddest moment when I was growing up was when my father died. I felt very saddened because I lost my friend and confidant. I missed our time together, milking the cows.

I met my wife, Julian Mkandawire in 1988 during the traditional dance called malipenga. I got interested in her because of her good behavior and beauty. One day, after observing her and researching on her, I gathered my courage and proposed my love to her. She accepted my proposal and I introduced her to my parents. In 1989 we got married.

We have 7 biological children and we keep 4 orphaned children. My wife comes from the village of Kajalajata I am in Kajalajata because of my father and I have been in this village since 1979. I have never lived in any other village since then.

I am a farmer like my father. Farming helps me to raise some funds to feed my family and buy our family necessities. I have lived half of my life without really committing myself to God. This was so because of the environment I was brought up. But in 2019 things turned around when God began working in my life.

Through my exposure to the teachings and fellowship of Bishop Gondwe and Andy Nyirenda, I am beginning to see God’s plan for my life. I am therefore grateful to God for beginning to work in my life.

I used to get drunk and abuse my wife and children. But now I am feeling ashamed for what I have been doing to my family. I have asked God, and my wife for forgiveness and now I am beginning to experience inner peace that I have never felt before.
Because of the work that God has begun doing in me of transforming my life, I have a lot of hope that now, I will be able to live a more productive and responsible life. I see myself becoming a blessing to others in my village.

When I will see Jesus one day, I will say; Thank you Lord, Jesus for your work on the cross which has brought me back to the right path. To the people reading my story, I say: God’s working in our lives lead us to our intimate relationship with Him and restores us back to God’s original intent for our lives. Thank you very much for your unconditional love and for your continued support.

I am today experiencing God’s love because of your love. God bless you all!

Read 1258 times Last modified on Friday, 18 December 2020 08:54