It has been barely eight months since we started with a clear simple a High level Vision from God aimed at transforming villages in a radical and different way to what “typical” missions have done before us. Starting small in order to learn, implement practical processes, and build on for the next phases.
The Lord’s instruction was to see as He sees and address the situation from a “Holistic” view. “Shalom” (be complete) – the customary greeting of our Lord Jesus. It was driven from and centered around, the implementation of the Kingdom of God in practical life transforming ways, by confronting darkness head on, breaking bondages, eradicating disease, poverty, hopelessness, hunger, and lack and replacing it with the tangible evidence of the reign of Jesus as He taught and showed us.
At the Lord’s direction, right at the start of the project I asked Andy and Winford to meet with the Village Elders to select the 10 most needy families in the village. They met with the elders, explained the vision to them from the Lord, and asked them to come back with the list of 10 families.
The elders were deeply touched and fully support the complete vision. They expressed their gratitude for bringing hope and real improvement to the whole village.
This month I wanted to introduce you to these 10 families. To put it into a better perspective please remember that these photos were taken even before we started implementing the vision there. We have seen a joy take hold of them and a brightness coming into their countenance.
I have asked each of them to tell you more about themselves, one at a time, each month, so that you can meet and become more intimately acquainted with each member of your family there. My desire is that God will pour His love into your heart for them so that you will pray for them and for the work there. They send their love to you.
Here are the 10 precious desperate families chosen by the Lord that now weekly exalt and Praise our Glorious God for all He has done there and is progressively enabling us to do. Many (most) of the children are orphans:
The rice seedlings are growing beautifully and just about ready to be transplanted into the now prepared and fertilized fields. Andy and Winford had additional concentrated efforts last and this month taking many, many additional daily trips to meet with the families to work in the fields and also build the chicken coops.
This year Malawi encountered unnaturally bitter freezing weather with cold Arctic fronts moving up through the land accompanied by additional rain. The families’ commitment is something unheard of to me; going out daily in the bitter cold and wet weather working long hours in the soaking rain. God is rewarding their efforts.
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How great was the rejoicing this week when 100 chicks were delivered for the families. Never before have they actually owned chickens. They were amazed to see it really happening, as we promised, before their very eyes.
Under Andy and Winford’s directions each family built their own, sturdy, safe chicken coops in time to receive the chicks. Something quite astounding happened during this building process. Members of the local government “happened’ to be in the village one day and were astounded by what we are doing there.
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They spoke to Andy and Winford and explained that some months back the government (with some outside aid) bought and distributed chickens to some people in the village, but most of them died as they were just dropped off and left. He could not believe the quality of work and the extent of care being provided to ensure that these chickens would be able to thrive and prosper. They showed great interest in the project as a whole. Amazing how God works.
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The chicks were delivered on day one and kept together for one day to settle down and acclimatize to the new surroundings. Day two they were all inoculated against disease. This actually rippled out into the community as chickens often get in contact with neighbors chickens and can get infected with disease. The team inoculated all the neighbors’ chickens as well which brought much gratitude and praise from the unsuspecting neighbors.
This month is going to be pretty hectic for the beneficiaries: transplanting the rice seedlings, tending the fields & the young chickens and building goat pens in preparation to receive their goats early next month.
Here is one of the pens currently being constructed:
Excitement and joy fills my heart by experiencing just how great a thing God has accomplished in 7 short months - God be praised and Honored!!!
It humbles me to realize what an honor and High calling it is when God invites us to partner with Him in this mighty work! Our heartfelt thanks to every one of you that has been involved in brining this to fruition. May God Bless you abundantly.
This is the Lord’s Vision and He is truly The Owner, Provider and Source. He has abundantly, supernaturally supplied all our needs to this very day.
I praise Him for everyone that He has drawn to be a part of implementing the Glorious Gospel there, as a testimony of God’s love, power and shalom (Wholeness).
God Bless you! Kajalajata thanks you!